Sándor Lakatos Und Seine Zigeuner* - Original Csárdás (LP, Album)

We buy your vinyl records - Vinyl records shop

11,07 €

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Cat #:
AVRS 13 199
1 x Vinyl ( LP , Album )
Folk, World, & Country


Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)


LC!gy A KenyC)r (Das Brot Ist Frisch) - SC!rga CsikC3 (Das Fuchsfohlen) - Enye Be JC3 Lakodalom (Oh, Wie Fein Ist Diese Hochzeit) 
KC!poszta, KC!poszta (Sauerkraut, Sauerkraut) - Hej Dunna Dunna (Das Federbett, Das Spitzenfederbett) 
SC!ros Az UtcC!tok (Schmutz Liegt Auf Eurer StraCe) - Este VirC!gzik A Repce (Abends BlC<ht Der Raps) 
Crmester Cr Fekete BabC!ja (Die Schwarze Maid Des Wachtmeisters) - KantinosnC) Angyalom (Wirtin, Mein Engel) - Elvitte A Viz Szappant (Die Seife Wurde Fortgeschwemmt) 
KukorC)kol A Kis Kakas ( Es KrC$ht Der Kleine Hahn) - VC)kony HC)ja (DC<nn Ist Die Schale) - C g A KunyhC3, Ropog A NC!d (Die HC<tte Brennt, Das Schilf Knistert) 
SzC)p Asszonynak KurizC!lok (Der SchC6nen Frau Mach Ich Den Hof) - Semmi BabC!m Semmi (Nichts, Mein SchC$tzchen, Nichts) 
Hogyha NC)kem SzC!z Forintom Volna (Wenn Ich Hundert Gulden HC$tt) 
Ritka BC:za, Ritka Crpa, Ritka Rozs (DC<nn GesC$t Ist Weizen, Gerste, Roggen) - KaszinC3 CsC!rdC!s (Casino CsC!rdC!s) 
Nem Forog A Nem Forog A Dorozsmai SzC)lmalom (Die WindmC<hle In Dorozsema Dreht Sich Nicht) - Alma A Fa Alatt (Ein Apfel Kollert Unter Den Baum) 
Sej Haj, Ne FekC<dj A SzC)naboglya TC6vC)ben (HC<t' Dich Vor Dem Heuhaufen) - Szerettem Egy Barna Kis LC!nyt (Ich Liebte Eine Kleine Braune)  
C n Vagyok A CsongorC!di Kis BC)res (Ich Bin Der Knecht Von Csongorad) - SzatmC!ri CsC!rdC!s (Szatmarer CsC!rdC!s) - Azt Mondta A VC!ci KapitC!ny (Der Vacer Hauptmann Sagte) 
Azt MondjC!k Veszedelmes A LC!ny (Man Sagt, Die MC$dchen Seien GefC$hrlich) - GC3lya, GC3ly, HosszC: LC!bC: GC3lya (O Storch, O Storch, Du Langbein!) - A RC!tC3ti LegC)nyek (Die Ratoter Burschen) 
Haragszik Az C des AnyC!m (Meine Mutter Ist Mir BC6se) - Nem JC3 Nem JC3 Minden Este A Kapuba KiC!llni (Stell' Dich Abends Nicht Unter's Tor) - Seprik A PC!pai UtcC!t (In PC!pa Wird Die StraCe Gefegt) 

Comments [?]

soc, needs cleaning


  • Amadeo

Additional information

You can purchase the vinyl record or CD offered on our website online in our Vinyl Records Store by clicking on the button „Put into cart“ (if the item hasn‘ already been sold). Our vinyl record bundles can be found in our ebay store.

We help you look for vinyl records – You profit from our know-how as well as from our global network of vinyl record retailers. If the vinly record you are looking for isn’t available in our store at the moment please send us an E-Mail with the artist, title, catalogue number and other information. We will try to find this record and make you a non-binding offer. You can also find sheet music and lyrics here: Notenbuch.de


The cover photographs are usually sample pictures (all product images are available under CC0 „No Rights Reserved“ license). You can find the actual condition of the record covers as well as the condition of the vinyls in the description (under media/sleeve condition) and in the comments. The abbreviations used in the descriptions are explained in our Glossary.

Payment methods in our Vinyl Record Store: advance payment via cash transfer or Paypal.

Please consider our other offers as well to keep the shipping costs low (shipping costs within Germany will not exceed EUR 6,- no matter how many vinyl records or CDs are being sent to you in one parcel).

The products will be shipped by the „Deutsche Post“ or DHL. To the shippng costs table

The item is taxed based on § 25 A USTG (differential taxation). You have to pay the bid amount plus shipping costs.

To make sure that we are compliant with our legal duties (see § 6 VerpackV) concerning the packaging of goods destined for the consumer we have joined the Landbell AG, Mainz (Kundennummer: 4127521) which provides a nationwide return system.

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