Barclay James Harvest - XII (LP, Album, RP, Emb)
Vinyl Schallplatten Ankauf - Verkauf
Kommentare [?]
Album title and butterfly contours on front cover are embossed. PRS Hannover logo only embossed (not printed) on back cover.
As any other release of this album all over the world, track titles are given wrong as well on back cover as on centre labels, the only relevant track list is the one on the back side of poster where the album is conceived in five sections: 1° Fantasy (containing traks A1 and A2), 2° Classics (A3 and A4), 3° Fact (A5, A6, B1 and B2), 4° Sience Fiction (B3 and B4) and 5° Fiction (containing a single one track B5). Thus, some titles are erroneously extended with subtitles on centre labels - track A1: "Loving Is Easy (Fantasy)", track A3: "A Tale Of Two Sixties (Classics)" missing the factual subtitle given on poster, track A5: "The Closes Shop (Fact)" with the second word additionally misprinted ("Closes" instead of "Closed"), track B3: "Nova Lepidoptera (Science Fiction)" and "The Streets Of San Francisco (Fiction)" as well the same titles are extended with section titles on back cover - track A1: "FANTASY: LOVING IS EASY", track A3: "CLASSICS: A TALE OF TWO SIXTIES" also missing the factual subtitle given on poster, track A5: "FACT: THE CLOSED SHOP", track B3: "SCIENCE FICTION: NOVA LEPIDOPTERA" and "FICTION: THE STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO".
Track B2 subtitle omitted both on back cover and on centre label.
A typo in the list of instruments played by Les: "ALEMBIC CUSTOMISED STREREO BASS GUITAR" - "STREREO" instead of "STEREO".
Typoes in the list of instruments played by Mel: "ROTA-TOMS" instead of "Rototoms", "GLOKENSPIEL" instead of "Glockenspiel" and "CABASSA" instead of "Cabasa".
"℗ 1978 Polydor International GmbH" printed both on back cover and centre labels.
"Made in West Germany" printed on centre labels.
"Aus dem Hause Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft mbH" (followed by Hamburg address) printed on back cover.
- Unlike [r14217086] this release has an embossed "PRS Hannover" logo on back cover.
- Also, released with different label design - black plastic ring around centre hole (see [r=1392630]).
- Unlike [r15126733] this release comes with Strawberry Mastering stampers on both sides and the lacquer cut was made at [l=Strawberry Mastering] as well.
- Polydor
Artist s
- Chris Nagle
- Martin Lawrence
- Barclay James Harvest
- Melvyn Abrahams
- Woolly Wolstenholme
- Mel Pritchard
- Les Holroyd
- John Lees
- Harvey Lisberg
- Lindsay Brown
- Mike Timoney
- Danny Betesh
- Chris Clover
- Maldwyn Reece Tootill
- Paul Burgess (6)
- Forbes Cameron
- Chairman Young
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